Distribution Requirements
– .pdf format
– 4 pages or more
– Embedded fonts
– 72dpi resolution or more
– 11.00 x 8.264 inches (28 x 21 cm)
– RGB color
– Horisontal presentation
– All images full-bleed
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We have implemented quality control of the content released through the system.
This means that to ensure fast deliveries users are encouraged to review their releases, tracks, metadata etc. and make sure everything is valid and correct before delivering to the services.
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Cover art must be at least 3000 x 3000 pixels and 300 dpi. The aspect ratio must be 1:1. You should avoid enlargement of smaller images as this will make them blurry and pixelated and won’t be accepted. Images must not be blurry, pixelated, stretched, mismatched, misaligned, rotated, or have other quality issues. The cover art must not include website addresses, emails and phone numbers. The cover art must not include references to the physical packaging (for example, CD or cassette). The cover art must not include references to it being a digital product. The cover art must not include references to pricing, including “Reduced Price”, “Low Price”, “Available for $9.99″, or “For Promo Use”. The cover art must not contain pornography. The cover art must not up-sell to another product. The cover art must not be misleading (for example, referencing an artist which does not perform on the album). The cover art must not contain references to content that the album doesn’t contain, such as “included DVD” or “includes lyrics”
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